Både motivasjonsmaterialer og opptrenings-instruksjoner for salg av Scientologikurs lærer scientologene at de skal bryte folk ned psykologisk. At folk av og til tar livet sitt etter slike opplevelser er jo ikke så farlig for dem siden alle lever evige liv og derfor vil gjenoppstå i en ny kropp.
Og hva er alternativet deres til psykiatrien? Bli scientolog, underkast deg scientologene eller bli drept. Ikke plass til psykisk syke eller anti-scientologiske holdninger i deres "Homo novis"-verden.
Dette er et litt langt blogg-innlegg, men hvis du vil se scientologer i nazi-uniform (nei, ikke Tom Cruise eller andre skuespillere) så hopp til slutten.
"Somebody some day will say "this is illegal" By then be sure the orgs say what is legal or not."
- L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 4 January 1966, "LRH Relationship to Orgs" (en "org" betyr en scientologi-"kirke" eller annen scientologistyrt organisasjon)
Never let them be half minded about being Scientologists... When Mrs. Pattycake comes to us to be taught, turn that wandering doubt in her eye into a fixed, dedicated glare. The proper instruction attitude is, "We'd rather have you dead than incapable."
- L. Ron Hubbard, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING, 7 February 1965, reissued 27 August 1980 (KSW leses før alle kurselementer i scientologi-kurs.)
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Først reklamen:
Her er et bilde brukt internt til Scientologer i April 2008 for å rekruttere dem til å bli bokselgere, og ble funnet på hjemmesiden på ett av forlagene til Scientologikirken.
"Hun lo da jeg ba henne ta en stresstest. Hun gråt da jeg fant hennes ruin."
(Bildestørrelse redusert til 50%)
VG fikk et tips om bildet over og sjekket at det faktisk var ekte ved å gå inn på hjemmesiden. Det var nesten for rart til å være sant. Bildet skulle brukes i eposter som ble sent ut. Siden April 2008 har bildet blitt fjernet fra det midlertidige stedet, men vi vet ikke om det fremdeles brukes andre steder.
Så om de formelle instuksjonene om å bryte folk ned:
Dette er fra en tidligere høyt plassert scientolog, med sitater fra Hubbard-policies:
Both Narconon and Scientology use the OCA (Oxford Capacity
Analysis), also know as "The Personality Test" to recruit people in to the cult.
I was trained on administering and evaluating the OCA's when I was staff at Narconon
Connecticut. My first job at Narconon CT was to administer and evaluate the personality
attempt as part of the "reg cycle" or the "attempted recruitment" or the "sales job".
Per a 1960 Scientology policy letter Hubbard states:“ The essence of testing procedure is (a) to get the person to do a test and (b) get
him or her to come in to have it evaluated. From this follows his or her buying processing
and training as sold to the person by PrR [Promotion & Registration] at the same time
as the evaluation is done.”
As a test evaluator I was instructed "cave the person in" meaning I was to introvert him
and make him feel really bad about himself.
The OCA has 10 traits that are graded from -100 to + 100
see: Blank OCA diagram, 1950s
The test evaluator would take up each trait that had a
minus score and would pretty much ignore anything that was
on the plus side.
As a test evaluator I was required to memorize the scripted
response to each minus trait. For example:
For Trait G-- Responsible/Irresponsible, the memorized pre
scripted response is:
“ You are completely irresponsible. You accuse others of having
ruled your life and made it what it is but this is actually
your own fault as you at no time have really accepted your
share of responsibility. Your frequently feel sorry for
yourself and feel that life has victimized you. Scientology
would help you with that.
If a person had a minus score for Trait H-- Correct Estimation/Critical,
the evaluator would say:
“ You are an extremely critical person. You lash out verbally
or mentally at those about you and the environment, making you
a person almost impossible to be around. You may consider that
you are being constructively critical or realistic. However,
you are being basically malicious and mean. Because you see
little good in people or life your opinions are of little
value. Scientology can help you with this."
In Hubbard Policy Letter of 28 October 1960, "New Testing Promotion
Section", Hubbard states:“ Remarks that "Scientology can improve this or that
characteristic" or "auditing can remedy that" or "Processing
can change this" or "Training can stabilize that" should be
used repeatedly during the evaluation for the sake of
A clever evaluator can surmise such things as domestic grief,
trouble with possessions, etc much more easily than a fortune
Test evaluation is modern, scientific fortune telling. It deals
with past, present and future. A low profile, low IQ future is
of course a dreary one, profitless, unless changed. We can
erase the fate of the past and alter utterly anyone's future.
So it does not matter how hard one leans on the person.”
Scientologists are brainwashed into believing that only
Scientology can truly help a person and free them from the
"reactive mind". So in the Scientology mindset, it's a good
thing to cave people in when reading the test results as this
is the best way to "enlighten" them about the wonders of Scientology.
They don't see it as the hard sell, high pressure tactics of a cult.
Per Hubbard Policy Letter of 15 February 1961, "Evaluation Script" Hubbard explained:“ The idea is to impinge on the person. The more resistive or
argumentative he is, the more the points should be slammed
home. Look him straight in the eye and let him know, 'That is
the way it is.'
Proceed with evaluation on the low points, column by column.
Make a decisive statement about each. If the subject agrees —
says, 'That's right', or 'That describes me all right', or
similar — leave it immediately. You have impinged. If he argues
or protests, don't insist. You simply are not talking on his
reality level. Re-phrase your statement until it is real to
him. Stop as soon as you get through. As soon as you get an
impingement, look subject in the face and say, with intention,
'Scientology can help you with that' or 'That can be changed
with Scientology', or some similar positive statement."
When the evaluation is completed, the evaluator is told to
push the test toward the individual and then lean back or
withdraw from the person and to be silent. Per Hubbard, if
the evaluator has done his job correctly, the person should
ask, what he should do next. At that time, the new recruit
is routed (sent) to see the Scientology Reg or Registrar and
is signed up for Scientology services.
I evaluated many of these tests when I held the job of recruiting
people into the cult via it's front group drug program Narconon.
If I can be of any help to the investigation of this young girls death
please contact me at ppieniadz@gmail.com. I am willing to talk to
both the media and any investigative unit by phone or email.
Patty Pieniadz
Et scientologi-samfunn
Når det gjelder å ta livet av kritikere, homofile, psyisk syke og de som nekter å underkaste seg scientologien, så skriver Hubbard blant annet om dette i Science of Survival:
Tallene 2.0 og 3.0 er fra "toneskalaen" i Scientologi-kirken. Konservative mennesker ligger på 3.0, liberale på 3.5, og homofile ligger på 1.1 for eksempel.
The reasonable man quite ordinarily overlooks the fact that people from 2.0 down have no traffic with reason and cannot be reasoned with as one would reason with a 3.0. There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale , neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes . The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow. Adders are safe bedmates compared to people on the lower bands of the tone scale. Not all the beauty nor the handsomeness nor artificial social value nor property can atone for the vicious damage such people do to sane men and women. The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered. It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line — a task which, indeed, is not very great, since the amount of processing in many cases might be under fifty hours, although it might also in others be in excess of two hundred — or simply quarantining them from the society. A Venezuelan dictator once decided to stop leprosy. He saw that most lepers in his country were also beggars. By the simple expedient of collecting and destroying all the beggars in Venezuela an end was put to leprosy in that country.
Andre steder i Scientologi-literaturen står det at ca. 20% av menneskeheten (over 1 milliard med dagens folketall) ligger under 2.0 på toneskalaen og derfor ligger i fare for å bli drept eller isolert. 2.5% (ca. 169 millioner med dagens folketall) skal man drepe eller forvise uansett fordi de er uforbederlige "Suppresive Persons". Bedre lykke neste liv.
Og bare glem å ha menneskerettigheter hvis du ikke er "clear".
Perhaps at some distant date only the unaberrated person will be granted civil rights under the law. Perhaps the goal will be reached at some future time when only the unaberrated person can attain to and benefit from citizenship. These are desirable goals and would produce a marked increase in the survival ability and happiness of man.
L. Ron Hubbard: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
L. Ron Hubbard har sagt at et samfunn der myndighetene brukte Scientologi til å styre, ville være langt verre en George Orwells 1984. Lydopptaket på youtube (L. Ron Hubbard PDC Lecture #20):
Did you ever read poor old George Orwell's uh... 1984? Yes, yes, that's wonderful. That would be, could be, the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.
Utenforstående ser også paralleller mellom 1984 og Scientologi.
Ikke så rart at tyske myndigheter overvåker Scientologikirken på samme måte som de overvåker ny-nazister og militante islamistister.
Etter at Tyskland begynte med dette, begynte Scientologikirken å sammenligne seg med jøder, og tok på seg nazi-uniformene sine og tok til gatene i Australia, akkurat som de hadde gjort i Florida mange år tidligere. *
Og så må vi ikke glemme at Scientologikirken ikke klarer å behandle rusavhengighet eller psykiske lidelser (selv om de prøver og prøver så står de på stedet hvil), så da er det vel deja vu på Aktion T4.
*: Presisering, 16. juni: Denne setningen sluttet før med "tok til gatene - både i USA og Australia.", men dette er ikke helt korrekt, fordi da de gjorde det i USA var det fordi de ikke likte avisen Clearwater Sun og en folkeaksjon mot Scientologi, ikke på grunn av tyske myndigheter. Tyske myndigheter begynte sin overvåkning imellom de to demonstrasjonene som er avbildet.
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